How a Post-It Note Can Save Your Sanity

by | Aug 17, 2017 | Blog, Get More Done

So, I have a confession to make.

Are you ready??

I've gotta admit it: I'm a total organization nerd.

It's true. I spend quite a bit of time finding awesome new ways to get myself organized. You know how some people spent their time hunting down the most amazing deals at flea markets and estate sales? I get giddy when I learn about a new system for organizing my business.

I'm telling you, I'm obsessed!

So, it's no wonder that I'm such a big fan of Megan Flatt, an all-star consultant who helps Mama CEOs sort out their lives and businesses so that they strike that perfect balance (and don't spend every day completely exhausted!)

One of my favorite things about Megan? She really takes things back to basics!

How basic? Her best organization system is based on … wait for it … post-it notes!

“iPhones, laptops, apps, and software … there are a million pieces of tech that we use to run our businesses,” says Megan. “But what is my favorite planning method? The high-impact, low-tech, post-it note.” She uses this method to help her and her clients work more efficiently – and work less.

So, why post-it notes?

Why not use a fancy new app to do the same thing? “I believe – and the research supports – that you're more creative when you put pen to paper,” Megan explains. “It allows you to use both the right and the left side of your brain. Post-it notes allow you to see the big picture and the small details in a very visual way. Plus, they're movable, allowing you to organize your ideas after you brainstorm.”

Megan uses post-it note planning methods for three different areas:

Brainstorming new ideas. After a great online event, productive Skype call, meeting, or conference, post-it notes can help you get all of your new ideas out of your notebook, out of your head, and into a visual place in front of you. “Brainstorm every idea you have and write each one down on its own post-it note. These could be new marketing ideas for your business, soul-searching questions that you need to ask yourself, or new goals that you want to try out in the next 90 days,” says Megan. Once you're done writing them done, organize them into columns in like-minded themes. This can help you get a birds-eye view of your new ideas and figure out what to do with them next.

Creating and organizing content. “Every product I've ever developed or course I've created has started with an idea in my brain and a blank stack of post-it notes,” explains Megan. “When you are starting to come up with a new product, write down every idea you have on post-it notes. Who the product is for, what results you're promising them, what steps they need to take to get that result, who you need to hire to help you get this idea out into the world, and even what color you want on the sales page.” Once you've written these things down, you can start moving the notes around and grouping them together – you'll start to see your modules coming together before your eyes, not to mention your task list of what you need to get started on.

Timelining your projects. First, you need to write up a series of post-it notes that will signify specific amounts of time – maybe quarters, or maybe dates within the next few weeks. It all depends on how long-term your project is! Once you've got that sorted out, you take your other ideas and start to sort them out into chronological order – what do you need to do first? What sequence makes the most sense? “Start to put your ideas under the headline of the time periods they need to fall into,” Megan advises. “Now you'll see that your project is pretty much mapped out, either month-by-month, week-by-week, or even day-by-day! It virtually eliminates overwhelm because you can see exactly when everything needs to get done.” And if anything comes up and the timeline needs to change, it's just a matter of moving some notes around to revise your schedule.

Can I just say how much I love this idea? What about you? Are you going to jump on the post-it note train? Let me know in the comments!


Hi, I’m amber!

Eternal optimist, lover of dance parties, here to get more of you in the world and help you grow your dream business.

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