Even if you are a hyper focused person, you are a busy CEO and have a lot going on in life.  It's easy to get sidetracked and derailed when working toward the big goal! SQUIRREL!! 😉 This strategy will help with that! Come take a drive with me!

Road Trip

ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!

(Read to the bottom to find out the only way for us to work together one-on-one in Freshly Implemented to make your business even Nicer in 2015).

Let's take a little road trip this morning on this fine Monday morning…

It’s the beginning of a new year, you are roaring and ready to go.

Then your start diving into the New Year and you feel the overwhelm.

The frantic energy to do and get done and make those goals happen right now. 

So MUCH to do.  So many good ideas you want to act on.  So many people to serve (in the very best of ways).  And you dive in to all of the things. 

You get going on this little trip called 2015 is going to straight up rock.

And then….You forget what you are focused on.

Total. Complete. Brain fart.

Oh, and there’s a new program you want to check out.

That might just help get things back on track.

Maybe it’s time to pick up a new hobby?

Yeahhhh that coach you love has an amazing new one-on-one offering.  That’s the ticket!!


All of the sudden.

You are investing and spending money and playing in sandboxes that don’t get you to your big kahuna goal!

Do you know the feeling?

Yeah?  I know the feeling too!

It just so happens, I have something to help you with that!!

I introduced it this fix in the 2015 Planathon and wanted to share it with you here now so you don’t get distracted and you too stay focused on making your big goal happen in 2015 too.

Planathoners keep reporting back that they are staying focused on their goals because of a crazy simple little tool.

It’s call the KEEP ON DRIVING list. 

Here’s how it works.


1.    Get clear on where you are now. 

This is point 1 in our road trip

2.    Keep your goal top of mind

This is our point 2, or our destination, in our road trip.

You do have the goal, don’t you? If you aren’t clear on your goal and don’t have it documented on a goal card, hop in our Planathon Facebook group and check out video#1.3.

3.   Build your Keep on Driving list!

What is the short list of activities or things you need to do to get from point 1 – where you are now – to point 2 – where you want to be at the end of the year?

Here are some examples of what might be on your list:

Learn Photoshop.

One of the things that was on the list for me back in 2009 when I wanted to start making money via my side-photography business was to learn Photoshop.  I had originally learned how to use a camera in the good old days so digital editing was new to me.

Find my People.

You may find that you need to surround yourself with people that will rally and support you in meeting your goal.  There’s that saying that you are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with.  Be sure to surround yourself with people who will help you get there. Like the people in Freshly Implemented.

Embrace the role of modern CEO

In 2013 one of my goals was to go pro and truly start to pivot into a leadership role in my business.  To evaluate and start to live the life of the modern CEO, who is adaptable, compassionate, fun, mindful, one part living life and family and one part crazy committed to growing a business that gets results. I was in deep mindset change.  I embraced and harnessed all things that were related to growing and running a successful business so I could have the autonomy I wanted in my life someday.  This process and this research step was one part for me, one part for my clients, and one part research for my content marketing strategies.

Green Up & Learn a New Way of Cooking.

One of my other 2013 goals was to get some new, recipes into my mix.  More vegetables.  Fewer grains.  I put new cookbooks on my list for 2013 and set aside time in my 90 Day Plans to give myself to learn this new way of eating.  (I don’t like to cook.  I don’t like to read recipes.  I needed to FOCUS on this to make sure I could really make this one happen.)

Grow My Audience – Learn how to leverage Facebook Ads.

In 2014 one of my goals was to better leverage Facebook for community growth and marketing.  I did some training with the fabulous Victoria Gibson to formally learn and I also spent extra time digging in myself.

That list above is what we call your KEEP ON DRIVING list.

Here’s why: if you see something that you think you might NEED to do it, and it isn’t on your list, you are going to just KEEP ON DRIVING. 

No shiny object syndrome for you in 2015!!

Hello Focus & Success!

Oh, look at that fancy new copy writing class that just hit the market.  What do you think? Should I check that out?

Ummmm no – Keep on driving!!

What about that DIY course on Cloning that I’ve been meaning to take… Maybe that’ll save me.

Nooooo – Keep on driving!!

(See that, I even said you could Keep on Driving past my product too!  It’s your growth as a leader in your business and a modern CEO I’m concerned with.  If growing a team isn’t on your list for 2015 – Keep on Driving!! ;))

You get the idea, right?

One question that might come up as you move through the year is:

Should I ever yield? 

The answer: Yes – Absolutely.

As much as we are about focus, we are also about adaptability.  You are a small business.  You are nimble, baby!  Use that to your advantage.

If you see something that you believe will truly benefit your business, don’t screech into the parking lot and rush up to buy now (even though you might feel like you have to, have to, have to buy now or ELSE).

That’s not how we make decisions.

We are more mindful than that.

Do this instead: Yield.  Pause.  Consider your current state.  Take a look at where you are headed.  Evaluate the gaps.  Then decide.

Alright, now that you know what the KEEP KEEP ON DRIVING list is, I want to know what’s on your KEEP ON DRIVING list for 2015. Feel free to hit reply and tell me what you are focused on this year! I'd love to rally to support you, even if it's virtual love and support I send! 🙂

Everything else?

Just Keep on Driving!!




Hi, I’m amber!

Eternal optimist, lover of dance parties, here to get more of you in the world and help you grow your dream business.

7 figure business lessons learned
Steal my ready-to-go Playbook to grow your business.

I’ve put together the ultimate toolkit for you to have a clear path to growth and a go-to approach for getting things done: The Modern CEO Business Playbook