How To Quickly Reset When You’ve Lost a Piece of Yourself

by | May 9, 2012 | Life Goals

Confession + Warning: I am fried.

My youngest daughter Audrey went down with the flu in the middle of the night last Thursday – no less than six times throwing up.  All over me.  All over my bed.  And right into my purse sitting open next to my bed.  Seriously. Sick. 

Praying that we would not follow suite, the rest of us thought we were in the clear when we made it through Friday and Saturday with no symptoms.  Then Sunday rolled around and one after another, she took us down.

As I'm coming out of the haze after laying in bed sleeping for two days, I realize I saw the signs of being fried before this – Like when my dad called and asked me to unlock the door for him a few weeks back…  Thirty minutes later I noticed him through the window sitting outside waiting for me and wondered what he was doing.  Woops!

I only just realized how bad it was when my brain flat out stopped working for a brief moment last night.  I would describe what it felt like, but I can't because I didn't feel anything. 

When I came back around, I realized what had happened and thought, “Holy crap, McCue… You need to refuel. You have serious work to do and gifts to give and you need your creative mojo to do that…” 

And when I'm fried I lose that creative mojo. 

I lose sight of who I am and what I am meant to do in this world and I flounder. 

I need my creative mojo because I am a creator of art, ideas, space, and innovative solutions for you, for my family, for my clients, and for people I haven't even met yet. 

So, when my brain restarted, I knew I had been in this place of feeling fried before and I forced myself into may bag of tricks to pull out some reset magic.

Youtube came to mind first!

Yeah, yeah, maybe watching iJustine on youtube will help….

No, no.  That didn't work. 

False start.

 Back into the bag of tricks…


Put Pen to Paper

The #1 thing I do to restart and reinstitute my creative mojo is to put pen to paper.  Not to type or write on my iPad, but to actually write old school. 


Rest + Rejuvinate

The #2 thing I do is to rest and rejuvinate.  After I wrote, I laid down and slowly visualized myself getting a massage from the tips of my toes and progressively up to the top of my head. 

I visualize the literal, detailed act of getting a massage so well that I actually feel like I am getting one.  The trick is to not move from your toes to the middle of your foot until your toes are relaxed.  And follow that up your body.  Make sense?  Maybe I'll make you a video to describe this… Coming soon!


After that, the ideas started flowing again. 


My emotions returned. 


I could feel again. 


When you are fried, in a haze, confused, or feel like you are losing sight of your dreams what helps you reset?

Meditation?  Exercise – man I wish that were my go-to?  Schedule a date with your coach?

Let me know what reset techniques you have in your bag of tricks. 

If I'm being completely honest with you, I'm sure another lapse is not far behind for me.  I am the mother of a sleepless 14 month old afterall.   

Better to be prepared!

Hi, I’m amber!

Eternal optimist, lover of dance parties, here to get more of you in the world and help you grow your dream business.

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